Please retain the original packaging if you would like to replace the item!

We pack our instruments very safely and these are shipped via services like FedEx, DHL, and Indian Speed Post to some countries. Also, we send a video of the instrument for approval before dispatch.

We have a 10-day replacement policy in case you receive a damaged instrument. The replacements are approved on a case-by-case basis. The item will have to be sent back to us and we will send you a replacement or provide a refund. Buyer pays return shipping.

To help us with the replacement process, please retain the photos and videos of the outer packaging (before opening the instrument), as well as, photos and videos of the damaged instrument. Please email us with the photos and videos within 24 hours of the delivery to claim the insurance.

The refund will be initiated only after the package has been received back at our warehouse.

Cancelled orders:
If you want to cancel your order after it was shipped – we will provide with refund after receiving the goods back to our warehouse, except for the cost of shipping to you and back to our warehouse.

The refund amount will be transferred, as per banking and payment gateway norms, within five business days of the receipt of the returned shipment at our store.